Welcome to Sail Yacht Racing

This site is dedicated to all of the volunteers who spend untold hours making our racing possible.

Offering management of your entire season of racing! Event management includes:
  • Publication of NOR, SI’s, etc.
  • Registration & Refunds
  • Optional rating certificate management.
  • Scoring & results publication.
  • On-line protest entry and tracking.
But there is much more beyond a list of events:
  • Your event can be grouped into venues and optionally share the same NOR, etc.
  • Racers can select multiple events and pay with one credit card transaction.
  • Optional verification of US Sailing membership.
  • A flexible fee structure for setting what racers pay includes:
    • Event fees can change with time.
    • Amount of refunds can change with time.
    • Event fees can be by boat length and/or flat rates.
    • Optional one-time venue fees.
    • Optional transaction fees.
These features make it easy for a racer to signup for multiple events. Thus you have the option of not considering your beercan series one event, but adding an event for each race night. The racers will find it easy enough to indicate which nights they will race. You can still charge one fee for the series, but your race committee will know how many are coming out on a given night.

Anyone can have their season administrated on this web site: To add your season to this site contact Design by Don

Currently the site is the host for registration and scoring of the following venues.